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I have been bringing new vocal works to life for over 40 years and composing for the past 7 years..


In my world, no feeling or sound is off limits.  The human voice is a miracle of nature, unconstrained by rules that make one type of sound preferable over another.  As human beings, we have an infinity of sounds at our disposal, but most singers only partake of a very narrow range of what is available to them.


My world is a rich and resonant one, full of sounds that I intuitively connect to underlying emotions and the stories they can tell us.  From improvisation to electro-acoustics to extended vocalization and new opera, I have an insatiable curiosity for the never ending potential of the voice.


My performances often explore challenging contemporary issues, the dark side of human existence, mythology, legend, folklore.  From dragging chains across the stage to lying naked under a diaphanous chiffon to inhabiting the haunted visions of a mythological creature, I am compelled to present works that are both visually and musically evocative.


In my work, I often explore the music of other cultures, the lives of influential women, the difficult stories of the culture in which I live – hard topics that allow the audience to reflect, access deep emotion, and ponder the meaning of their own existence.   


My ultimate goal is to be an ambassador for the soul of the music, without judgment or preconceived notions as to what is or is not relevant.  I embrace aesthetically beautiful sounds, but I do not shy away from what some would perceive as harsh or ugly.  I am constantly exploring new ways of using the voice, allowing the music to show me how to sing it.  I wish to be as diverse and open to the voices potential and flexibility as I can and in cooperation with the audience to inspire, communicate, amuse, engage and captivate.  

Position, influence by David Coll.jpg
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New Music Vocalist / Improviser / Composer

Janice Isabel Jackson

My work

© 2023 by Janice Jackson.  All rights reserved.

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